Lies Lies have short legs .........
few years ago (I believe at least three) as a Councillor, I am informed by a citizen of Berra that the video camera near the public park in the capital Berrese is completely covered by the branches of a tree and This prevents the recording of images.
I come as a surprise because there was no talk yet of video surveillance and was not aware of systems installed in the area, so before I go to elementary schools and try to find the camera that I had been alleged, the individual is applied on a street lighting pole in front of the elementary schools and is "betting" on games in the park public, which normally remain for mothers with children and grandparents around any signs indicating that in that area are recording systems (required by the law on privacy).
so I go by the Mayor (then Dr. Cristiano Capisani) and gives him a share of the recommendation and ask questions about the presence of the camera is not pointed out.
I'm told that the camera in question is not connected, then does not record images, is used instead as a deterrent to prevent any damage to such games in the park in question, I agree with the installation even if not silent in operation and in order to obtain the desired result, ie avoid vandalizing in the park.
By the time he learned of the fake camera, everyone, citizens and administrators are aware that the camera in question does not register as not connected.
Over time, unfortunately, there have been further damage to the games in the park, so much so that the City Council majority Department to submit an interpellation Simone, asking among other things (perhaps even deliberately provocative manner) if the camera installed in the area had taken pictures of the vandals in order to recognize them ... ... ...
So far nothing special, things that unfortunately happen in most of the municipalities, some vandals who do not know how to vent their stupidity focus on public property, destroying them, but the problem is not that, or rather is not only this, the problem is the response of the Deputy Mayor Egle Cena, responding to questions related to the Great Simon, saying that it was not possible identify those responsible for the images "were not sufficiently clear" and where it is given this answer? But of course the City Council and a Vice Mayor ... ... ...
I think, but at this point I'm not safer, that the City Council has a responsibility to discuss and decide on issues of territory that is, there may be differing opinions related to personal thought or positions taken by party, But, and here I begin to have doubts, there should always be sincere. The current City Council is composed largely of council of a first appointment, that is, people who sit on the bench of the board for a little over a year and therefore do not know many situations (in this case the installation of the false camera) but express an opinion based on the explanations of the board of aldermen or responsible, now if they also allow you to tell lies during a sitting of the council, you can have confidence of those who represent the institutions?
We are accustomed to constant political about-face of the Deputy Mayor, seeking personal duties, but please a What once made them carry out the tasks as possible should be done not lying in a City Council that has so many problems ... ... ...
For the record: all the documents were required for installing and testing the camera these (documents that will never arrive because they are not there) last August 10, two days after rumors that seem to have been hired for a company to install as soon as a "real" camera instead of the false. You could do the same thing with the Deputy Mayor, replacing the "false" with a real ... ... ...
Grillanda Stefano
Parent Voice to Citizens "
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