Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bendroflumethiazide And Peptac


is paradoxical, but there it is.
A center-right government to save face at a local center-left government.
would be hard to imagine how it would come out of our directors to the presentation of the budget if they could not unload their inability of the central government. They had to admit their incompetence, but it is always difficult to make self-criticism. They would have to admit the total indifference to the land they manage, but then who will vote again?, One would have to mention an attempt to show that Berry does not need big speeches, however, that we are well supplied with services, roads are treated , the road is safe, fast and smooth, but then just a ride for the countries and would be immediately denied.
is at this point that good governance is central to the aid of the local authority, taking all the blame for inaction. At this point the road is all downhill, you can tell the people of every trifle mix for the head, pharaonic operations, reconstruction of roads, employment of city employees building new production facilities, with a little imagination, you might as well start looking for oil in the ground, there are good ideas, but the government finances ... .... And thankfully not the finances, I add. Can you imagine a go-go contributions as was common a few decades ago, in the hands of an administration so incapable? What are their plans? Complete reconstruction of the ruins of the former town hall in Berra via Piave (forgotten for decades, now suddenly the pride of a community) restructuring of the civic center of Serravalle (you can not print certificates, imagine if people are interested to be renovated), waterway .... We do not have the roads, however, could easily move the boat and, with a little 'fantasy imagine living in a little Venice. Yet another figure
Barbina therefore also for this budget, a reading which is impossible to understand (if it is present) what is the political orientation of those who minister to us, perhaps the best interpretation was given by his advisor Simon Large majority (in the previous administration assessor budget) that defined the mayor of Berra liquidator of the municipality. Next
this rate, it is difficult to imagine the future of Berra and its surroundings, those who come after this earthquake Zaghini called Eric, he will find nothing, you will find the services transferred to the Union "Lands and Rivers," will not find the minimum investment in with a view to improving the territory, but even worse, people will find a distrust of the administration there should be.
Regardless, the administration Zaghini can rest easy, however things go, the Berlusconi government, with its ups and downs, there is no alternative left, then the next year you can continue to download the blame on the government, someone the faithful may believe it, and the road will continue to be down ... ... ... towards the abyss.

Grillanda Stefano
"Voice of Citizens"


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