Monday, October 19, 2009

Chinese Curry Sauce Calories

BERRA virtuous community

Following a welcome request, we publish the following article appeared in the 09/10/2009.

Berra. A law last year (133 of 2008) introduced a mechanism for rewarding those municipalities maintaining the stability pact and achieving the policy objective set for local authorities will be able to obtain financial benefits for next year.

In practice, the virtuous community have the opportunity to spend an amount exceeding that granted by the stability pact in view of the following year, for a fee found by means of a mathematical function applied to the budget last year. The City of

Berra, recognized common virtuoso (capable, then, to remain in the ironclad parameters of the Stability Pact) have the ability to make payments up to € 14,600 in addition to the schedule. In moments when you can not make commitments to pay, not to break through the ceiling of the Stability Pact, this possibility is a substantial premium for the choice of being attentive to the financial statements.



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